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Plumbing Issues That Can Result In Water-Based Contaminants


Many technological advancements have been made in the way that the world filters and decontaminates their sources of water. These advancements, while mostly effective, are not always successful in keeping individuals safe from contaminated water sources. This holds true for many of the most developed nations around the world. Even with massive amounts of infrastructure, the filtration rate is not necessarily at 100%. These different types of contaminants then find their way into local rivers, lakes and streams which then seep into our supplies of water. This can lead to a number of drinking water supplies becoming contaminated at any given point due to an outbreak.

Thus, it’s imperative that families are mindful of the risks of these contaminated sources of water and invest in the treatment processes that can save them from the danger these sources of water can cause. Take a family living in a more rural environment as an example. The area that surrounds this family is made up of farm fields that grow different crops and house different animals. One particularly rainy night can result in the fecal remains of these farm fields finding their way into nearby rivers or streams. This can cause the family’s water supply to be infected with E. coli, a bacteria that has been known to cause symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea. Let’s say this same family has an air conditioning system in their home that hasn’t been properly maintained or investigated since moving into the home. If this family is not careful, these systems can become breeding grounds for another water contaminant, Legionella. This bacteria has been known to enter the respiratory system and lead to Legionnaires disease which typically leads to respiratory problems in individuals who contract it.

All of the situations above spell clear danger for your family, but these only scratch the surface of the number of water contaminants that could be invading your home. An additional list of these contaminants has been included below:

Giardia Lamblia: this parasite is commonly known to infect its victims through the drinking of unclean water. Through reproduction in the infected’s small intestine, this bacteria gives its host giardiasis. This condition includes symptoms of diarrhea, stomach cramps and even fevers.

Salmonella: one of the most transmittable of these bacteria and often the most common in the home. Friendly reptilian creatures kept as pets have been known to pass this bacteria to their owners. Those infected often face severe gastrointestinal symptoms. Fortunately enough, you don’t need to say goodbye to the family lizard. Just be sure to properly wash your hands with soap after coming into contact with the lizard itself and any of its surrounding area.

Pseudomonas: this is a highly contagious pathogen that has been known to cause a wide range of illnesses. Ranging from pneumonia all the way to sepsis, it is a very common contaminant in the plumbing systems of many homes. It also thrives in moist environments around the home.

For a much more detailed breakdown of these contaminants in addition to many others, be sure to review the infographic featured alongside this post.

Chris Ebener is a mechanical engineer for LiquiTech, with a proven track record of diagnosing and remediating public water system issues of various sizes and complexity. Ebener is an expert on the biochemical makeup of facility water systems, system architecture and various methodologies of public drinking water treatment.

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